3 October 2013

Bitcoin ATM industry leader, Lamassu ship their first machine

A photo representation of the Bitcoin event, Bitcoin ATM industry leader, Lamassu ship their first machine

On October 3, 2013, a significant milestone in the cryptocurrency world was achieved when Lamassu, a pioneering company in the Bitcoin ATM space, shipped its first Bitcoin ATM. This event marked the beginning of a new era for Bitcoin, making it more accessible to the general public by simplifying the process of buying and selling the digital currency.

The first Lamassu Bitcoin ATM was sent to Atlanta, Georgia, where it would allow users to insert cash and instantly transfer it into Bitcoin, which would then be deposited into their Bitcoin wallet. This was a revolutionary step forward, as it provided a tangible connection between traditional fiat currency and the burgeoning world of Bitcoin.

Zach Harvey, CEO of Lamassu, expressed his excitement about the transition from a wooden box/Raspberry Pi prototype in February to shipping a hardened steel production model in October. The company had already lined up more orders to be shipped worldwide, including to locations such as Bratislava, Shanghai, Paris, Montreal, Sydney, Auckland, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and São Paulo.

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