5 April 2023

Bitcoin Whitepaper Found Inside All Apple Mac Operating Systems

A photo representation of the Bitcoin event, Bitcoin Whitepaper Found Inside All Apple Mac Operating Systems

A PDF copy of Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin whitepaper has been included in every copy of macOS since Mojave in 2018. This discovery was confirmed by over a dozen Mac-using friends of Baio. The file is found in every version of macOS from Mojave (10.14.0) to the current version, Ventura (13.3), but isn’t in High Sierra (10.13) or earlier. However, it was removed in macOS Ventura 13.4 beta 3.

The Bitcoin whitepaper is used as a sample document for a device called “Virtual Scanner II” in the Image Capture utility. It’s not clear why it’s hidden for some or what exactly it’s used for, but it may power the “Import from iPhone” feature. The file was never intended to be found by normal users and is located inside a folder with assets used for internal testing by Apple engineers.

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