14 April 2010

BitcoinWiki, a dedicated bitcoin encyclopedia launches

A photo representation of the Bitcoin event, BitcoinWiki, a dedicated bitcoin encyclopedia launches

The Bitcoin Wiki, a comprehensive resource for community-collected information about Bitcoin, was launched on April 14, 2010, by Martti Malmi, one of Bitcoin’s earliest developers and advocates. This platform became a pivotal source of information, documenting the technical details, history, and development of Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin Wiki was created as a community-driven project to compile information on all things related to Bitcoin. It served as an open-source repository of knowledge, freely editable by anyone.

The Wiki began documenting the nascent stages of Bitcoin’s development, including technical aspects, mining information, and the growing ecosystem of services and exchanges.

Over time, the Wiki grew to include a wide range of content, from beginner guides to detailed technical specifications, becoming an invaluable resource for both newcomers and seasoned Bitcoin enthusiasts.

The Bitcoin Wiki also played a crucial role in preserving the history of Bitcoin, capturing the evolution of the bitcoin from its early days to its rise as a significant financial asset.

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