6 January 2011

Guy dresses up in funny outfit and a Bitcoin sign for a 32 BTC reward

A photo representation of the Bitcoin event, Guy dresses up in funny outfit and a Bitcoin sign for a 32 BTC reward
In an effort to demonstrate the growing popularity of Bitcoin, a person was paid 32 bitcoins to dress up in an unusual outfit and hold a sign in a busy shopping street.

Despite the rain, the individual positioned themselves in front of a Cartier store and held up the sign for about 15 minutes. During this time, four people asked about Bitcoin, three of whom were economics students. The individual referred them to bitcoin.org for more information. Two girls also wanted to be part of the photograph taken. Afterward, the individual attempted to sit on the floor with a sign reading “unemployed. will work for bitcoins,” but was chased away by Cartier security guards before a picture could be taken.

The individual’s Bitcoin address for tips is provided: 15Qvts3L2ML538ybH3xP9hKrM282QS6NSL.

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