5 April 1975

The date of birth of Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto

A photo representation of the Bitcoin event, The date of birth of Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto
Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto registered this date as their birthday when they created the pseudonym on P2PFoundation.ning.com, one of the internet forums where Bitcoin was first announced.

While it’s suspected that the birthday might be fictitious, April 5 is a notable date in U.S. monetary history. It marks the anniversary of Executive Order 6102 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, which outlawed the private ownership or “hoarding” of gold coin, bullion, and certificates. 

This order required Americans to exchange any significant amount of gold for dollars at the Federal Reserve. Some see this order as a challenge to the liberty of individuals to preserve their wealth in the form of gold. While it’s not confirmed that Nakamoto chose April 5 as their birthday for this reason, it’s known that Bitcoin’s creator was interested in monetary history and concerned about the power of individuals to preserve their wealth and keep it safe from state intervention. 

Nakamoto’s birth year, 1975, is seen as a possible reference to the repeal of this order by President Gerald Ford in 1974. 

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