15 October 2019

The word "Satoshi" is added to the Oxford English Dictionary

A photo representation of the Bitcoin event, The word "Satoshi" is added to the Oxford English Dictionary

On October 15, 2019, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), a renowned authority on the English language, made a significant update to its lexicon by adding the word "Satoshi". This addition was a recognition of the growing influence of cryptocurrency and the digital economy on modern language and culture.

A “Satoshi” is defined as the smallest monetary unit in the Bitcoin digital payment system, equal to one hundred millionth of a bitcoin, or 0.00000001 BTC. The term is derived from the pseudonym of the elusive creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, whose true identity remains unknown. The inclusion of “Satoshi” in the OED was a testament to the increasing prevalence and relevance of Bitcoin in financial and everyday conversations.

The word “Satoshi” was part of a quarterly update to the OED’s database, which also included other contemporary terms such as “Manhattanhenge,” “whatevs,” and a revised history of “fake news.” The OED’s policy is to monitor and record emerging vocabulary, making new terms available to dictionary users as soon as they start to gain traction in usage.

The OED’s descriptive approach to language means that it observes how words emerge, grow, or diminish in popularity and change definitions over time. The cited uses of the noun “Satoshi” come from various sources, including a Usenet newsgroup in 2012, The Guardian in 2013, and The Times in 2017, reflecting the term’s journey from niche technical jargon to mainstream usage.

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